2008年泰國水產品外銷產值創新猶 儘管2008年泰國主要市場景氣低迷(slowdown),佔出口總值6成經過調製(prepared)與附加價值(value added)水產品的銷售佳績,乃是2008年泰國水產業出口值逆會場佈置勢成長5.07%的主因。泰國海關公布去年出口值較2007年成長100億泰銖,創下2,151.8億泰銖新高紀錄;其中經過調製的水產品出口總產值直逼1,290億泰銖,而新鮮、冷凍與乾製(dried)水產品出口值西裝外套則僅860億泰銖。去年出口市場總的來說,仍居主導地位的蝦與鮪罐出口量分別為335,400公噸與506,097公噸,產值分別高達790億泰銖與645.5億泰銖。(摘譯自Infofish Trade News NO. 3/2009,面膜16 February 2009 )THAILAND HIGHER REVENUE FROM MORE VALUE ADDED EXPORTS IN 2008Fishery export earnings in Thailand rose by 5.07% in 2008. Increased sales of prepared and 系統傢俱value added fisheryproducts, which had 60% share in the total export value, helped boost exports last year despite the economicslowdown in the major markets. The Customs 訂做禮服declared export value was record high at Baht 215.18 billion(US$ 6 328 million) last year – which is Baht 10 billion more compared to 2007. The export value of 關鍵字排名preparedfishery products totalled nearly Baht 129 billion, whereas the value for fresh, frozen and dried fishery exports wasBaht 86 billion.Shrimp and canned tuna remained 酒店打工the dominant product groups in the export basket. All in all, 335 400 MT ofshrimp (product weight) were exported last year and the revenue earned from this product group was 帛琉Baht 79billion (US$ 2.32 billion). Export volume under the canned tuna category was 506 097 MT which had an exportvalue of Baht 64.55 billion or US$ 1.90 billion equivalent. 新成屋(For further details on canned tuna exports, please seeCanned Fish section).

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